
Invitat/ invitați

Donald Kalsched, Ph.D


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Trauma și Capacitatea de a Simți: Aspecte clinice la pacienții care au suferit traume timpurii

In this lecture, Dr. Kalsched will describe an archetypal defensive structure (the 'Self-Care-System) that functions as a "core complex" in the psyche's of patients with a history of early trauma. This dissociative inner structure is the psyche's "effort" to regulate the amount of vehement affect that is allowed to be experienced by the ego. Therefore, it constitutes a defense against feeling, and leads to an injury in the capacity to feel in general. How this core complex functions as resistance in psychotherapy and how the patient's injured feeling capacity and soulful aliveness can be restored, will be the subject of this lecture and workshop. Participants are encouraged to read the clinical examples and/or clinical chapters in both The Inner World of Trauma (Routledge 1996) and Trauma and the Soul (Routledge 2013) in advance of the seminar.


Ora evenimentului

15:00 - 19:00

Data evenimentului:

24 octombrie 2021

Informații invitat/ invitați


Invitat/ invitați

Donald Kalsched, Ph.D

Clinical Psychologist and Jungian Psychoanalyst with a private practice in Brunswick Maine. He is the author of two major books (see above) and many articles and chapters in professional journals exploring the clinical applications of Jungian theory to patients with an early trauma history.