
Invitat/ invitați

Dr. Nancy Krieger


Formare continua





Complexe Psihice și NEUROȘTIINȚĂ

  • Brief introduction to Jung's model of the psyche and parallels with modern ideas of emergence and neuroscience.
  • Theories of mind - what is mind compared with the 'me/myself/I' of the ego complex
  • This is grounded in the body through Jung's original concept of the complex
  • Then we look at what happens in the body (brain) when a complex constellates and what this has to do with emergence
  • And finally an argument that thesis what is happening to a lesser extent with every day ego functioning.

Ora evenimentului

11:00 - 15:00

Data evenimentului:

19 iunie 2022

Informații invitat/ invitați


Invitat/ invitați

Dr. Nancy Krieger

Training and supervising analyst and currently Director of Program at ISAP Zurich. She was in the first graduating class from ISAP. She has a PhD from the University of Essex, Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies. Her thesis investigates how the brain, functioning as a physical dynamic system, generates consciousness, using Jung’s theory of complexes as a model. A slightly shortened version was published by Routledge with the title Bridges to Consciousness: Complexes and Complexity. She is fascinated by how closely Jung’s theories, formulated over a century ago, mirror current research findings in neurology and consciousness studies. Her original background is in computing and communications systems.